How art thou, blog crew?
Just letting you know about this event coming up real soon. Yes, yes I know. I thought the same thing, too, when my man, Carlos, told me about it. Being on top of a tall'ish building's rooftop on 9/11? ¿Está usted loco, el hermano?
Nah, the brother ain't crazy. Just passionate about his music and city. So what better way to celebrate the two by putting this on? Exactly.
There will be a live band mashing it up and I think guest vocalist and musicians will be joining them on stage throughout the night. Who knows? I may even grab the mic to do my damn thang. Keep me charged off the vodka & soda and that will be more than a possibility.
OK brothers & sisters - I hope to see you there. Bam!
Word up. Thanks Bro; nice. P.s: One free double pass to the first person to email me:
Carlos MORA